Spring Rec Frequently Asked Questions

Spring Rec Frequently Asked Questions

Spring Rec Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When does the season start? When does it end?

A: Assuming that we find the appropriate number of volunteers, practices will start in mid-March, games will begin in early April and the season will conclude before Father's Day.

Q: Will there be practices? When?

A: Practices are organized by your team's respective Manager. Your team should have at least 1 or 2 preseason practices. During the season, practices will depend upon field availability, but you can expect another 1 or 2 practices throughout the season.

Q: What time are the games?

A: Early in the Spring, games will take place on any weekday at 6pm. Later in the Spring, the older age groups will have some midweek 8pm games. Games are also played on Saturdays starting at 9am and ending in the early afternoon.

Q: How many games are there per week? Per season?

A: You can expect your team to play about 2 games per week and between 12-15 games in total per season (depending on weather and our ability to make up the games).

Q: What days of the week will my child’s games be played?

A: Games will be scheduled for every day of the week except for Sundays.

Q: What equipment do I need to buy and what equipment does the league provide?

A: Each player should have their own baseball glove, cleats, protective cup and heart guard (a.k.a. chest guard shirt or sternum shirt). The league will provide a limited number of batting helmets and baseball bats to each team, although players are free to bring their own. The league will also provide each team with a set of catchers gear.

Q: Can my child be placed on a team with their friend(s)?

A: In the T-Ball and Rookie divisions, we try to honor all requests. In order to guarantee a request, it is recommended that an adult from the family volunteer for a Manager or Assistant Coach position. In the AAA, Minors, Majors and Pony divisions, we do not honor requests as the players are assigned via a draft to ensure competitive balance.

Q: When are teams assigned?

A: There is no predetermined date as the construction of teams varies on several factors such as the number of required volunteers, volunteer certification and draft date availability, to name a few. The league will maintain communication with the families throughout the team construction process.

Q: Will there be any financial commitment on top of the registration fee & work bond? (i.e. mandated fundraiser)

A: There is no financial commitment beyond the registration fee and workbond requirement.

Q: I thought that the Registration fee was $150 (before February 20th), but when I registered my child, I had to pay $250. What happened?

A: When signing up for Spring Rec baseball, there are two fees which must be paid by each family: (1) Spring Registration fee, which is one fee per child registered and (2) Work bond fee, which is one fee per family, regardless of how many children are registered. The Spring Registration fee is meant to cover all of the “baseball” related expenses which the league incurs (uniforms, baseballs, umpire fees, equipment, etc.). The Work bond fee is meant to encourage families to volunteer during the course of the year and, if the necessary criteria are met, this fee will be refunded to the family. Without volunteers such as snack stand workers, spring cleanup, team managers and team coaches, our league cannot operate. While we understand that not everyone can participate as a volunteer, leagues like ours have found the work bond to be an equitable method of getting the volunteers needed to make our league a success.

Q: Something has happened and my child can no longer participate in the Spring Rec Baseball season. Can I request a refund?

A: Refunds are available until Opening Day (April 13, 2023). However, the refund will be in the amount of the registration fee + workbond less $50 for the uniform and additional supplies which have already been ordered. After Opening Day, refunds will not be granted.

Q: How will I be notified if a game is cancelled due to weather? At what time can I expect to receive notification?

A: The MTBA tries its best to communicate all postponements at least one hour prior to game time. If, for some reason, our volunteers cannot make it down to check on the fields it may be closer to start of game.

Q: I am having an issue using TeamSnap, who should I reach out to for help?

A: Before reaching out to the MTBA, we ask that you please first refer to TeamSnap's Help Center (https://helpme.teamsnap.com/category/1208-getting-started). Their Help Center and Resource Library offer a lot of information to users regarding a wide variety of issues. If TeamSnap's website does not provide you with the answers that you are looking for, then please contact your Team's Manager. If the Team Manager is unable to help, then the Team Manager will work with the Division Director to solve the problem.

Q: What do I do if my child’s uniform doesn’t fit? Can I receive a different size?

A: The team jerseys are ordered as per the input provided during registration and cannot be exchanged, so it is better to order up a size. For the pants, if inventory is available, we are able to exchange pants, but will only do so if they are in unworn condition and present at the time of the request. We will not exchange a pair of pants unless we are given the pair of unwanted pants. 

Q: I heard that we have cameras on the fields, how do I watch the video stream?

A: Video feeds are available on Fields 1, 2, 3 and 4 and can be found at:


Q: How do I know if my child has the correct baseball bat?

A: For T-Ball, all bats must have the USA Baseball T-Ball Stamp. For Rookie through Majors Divisions, all bats must have the USA Baseball Stamp and must have no more than a 2 5/8" Barrel. For the safety of our players, there are absolutely no exceptions to this rule. Additional information can be found at:
